Acuity Massage & Advanced Skin Care
Mesa County Health Department Rating

Laser Hair Removal

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to not have to shave, tweeze, or wax on a regular basis? Do you suffer from irritated skin after shaving or other methods of removal? Would you like a smoother, softer appearance or get rid of ingrown hairs? Are you sensitive to bleaching creams?

Waxing and depilatories can also become quite expensive over time.

Laser Hair Removal has come a long way over the last 15 years. It is no longer painful, which means no waiting for a topical anesthetic to take effect. Treatment can be done quickly and easily with about 6-8 treatments usually needed, on average, to meet each cycle of new hair growth. Treatments are usually done every 6-8 weeks, depending on the area, and each reduces the amount of hair by about 30% on average. Our Cutera laser is FDA approved and is a highly respected laser company worldwide.

We always offer complimentary consultations and go over any questions that you may have.

How do I prepare for laser hair removal?
  • Avoid tanning, or using artificial tanners, for two weeks prior to the treatments. It is recommended that this should be avoided for the duration of treatments.
  • Do not tweeze or wax or use depilatories for two weeks prior to treatments, and during the duration of the treatments. Trimming with scissors or an electric trimmer is acceptable.
  • Discontinue using bleaching products during duration of treatments.
  • Laser treatments should be done over freshly shaven (or trimmed) skin. Please do so before arriving.
  • Avoid using Retinol products or anti-aging products, scrubs, etc., 48 hours prior to treatments, and 48 hours after treatments.
  • Avoid applying makeup, deodorant, lotions, etc., in treatment areas (before treatment).
If you decide to proceed with the treatments, you can expect the following
  • We will have you complete a medical history, which a Certified Laser Specialist* evaluates.
  • We will cleanse the shaven area to be sure that the skin is clear of foreign material, such as makeup.
  • Protective eye wear will be worn by you and your Certified Laser Specialist.
  • We can perform a test spot to be sure the treatment is comfortable and that we see a desired reaction. We can then perform the full treatment.
  • A cooled handpiece touches the skin and flashes a light as the pulses are applied.
  • Most clients liken the sensation to a slight snap with each pulse. The fluence levels can be adjusted as needed and are set based on the clients exact skin type. Safe to use on all skin types from fair to dark.
  • Procedures can take as little as 5 minutes or as much as 2 hours, depending on the size and number of areas being treated. Since topical anesthetics are not needed, we can do multiple areas without the danger of toxicity from over-application of these products.
  • For best possible results, treatments are done at 6-8 week intervals. Your Certified Laser Specialist will determine this at your consultation.
  • Most clients achieve optimum results with 6 treatments. Hormonal issues and certain medications can affect the results of treatment.
Why are multiple treatments needed and why are they so far apart?
  • Lasers use a light flash that is attracted to the melanin (color) in the hair. All skin types can be treated. When a hair is actively growing, and still attached to the root bulb, the light will travel down to the bulb and damage the hair follicle. Since each follicle grows in a different growth cycle, we allow time for the new growth to reach the surface, enabling the laser to treat these follicles.
  • Brown or dark hair is needed for treatment. Blond or light colored hair does not usually respond well to treatment. Coloring the hair is not recommended since the color does not reach the bulb.
  • 6 treatments are the most common number of treatments needed, but more may be required depending on each individual and the amount of hair in each area being treated.
How will my skin react after the treatment?

The skin may be slightly pink/red and the follicles may appear like red bumps on the skin. This is normal and will go away in a few minutes to 24-48 hours. If there is any irritation, aloe gel can be applied. Most clients return to their normal activities immediately. It is recommended that you avoid hot tubs or excessive heat, scrubs, or abrasive products for 24-48 hours.

Who should not receive laser treatments?
  • Those that are tan or use artificial tanning products should wait until their skin returns to its normal color before treatment. The brown color of the skin can cause burning or a poor result from the treatment. Since the color of the hair needs to be “seen” by the laser, artificial coloring of the skin can affect how well the hair reacts. Since the melanin has already been affected, either by sun damage (which is what tanning is), or by product, it can become confused by the laser treatment and react in a negative manner.
  • Anyone that has been on Accutane 6 months, or less, before the treatment.
  • Oral or topical acne medications, which cause sun sensitivity, may need to be stopped a week before treatment. Laser hair removal treatments can positively affect areas with acne issues.
  • It is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Laser treatments are not done over a tattoo. The tattoo may be damaged and blistering, discoloration may occur. This includes permanent makeup.
  • Laser treatments are not done over active herpes lesions. If prone to cold sores, we suggest taking a prophylactic 24 hours prior to treatment and after treatment if receiving a treatment near the affected area.
What areas can be treated?

All areas can be treated except on the eyelids or beneath the eye brows. Between and above brows can be treated. Men and women are welcome.

Why should I come to your office for treatment?
  • Our office is designed for privacy with a comfortable non-clinical setting.
  • Our Certified Laser Specialist has 16 years experience in medical practices, 19 with cosmetic lasers, and has 11 years experience training new laser practitioners. She is associated with several physicians and travels to their practices to help new practitioners and new physicians themselves, in hands on training with patients.
  • We offer affordable prices and try to work with your busy work schedule.
  • Pricing is clear and if quoted a price for legs, or arms, etc., it is for both legs, arms, etc.
  • Package pricing is done to ensure that you complete the treatments and allows us to offer substantial discounts for your care. If further treatments are needed, discounted pricing may be available.
Laser Post-treatment care
  • Avoid any irritation to the skin. Do not pick or use any abrasive products for 48 hours.
  • If necessary, aloe vera can be applied as needed.
  • Makeup can be applied after treatments.
  • Do not tweeze, wax, use depilatories or bleach in areas being treated.
  • Avoid hot tub or hot water/sauna for approximately 48 hours.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 14 days after treatment, and 14 days before next treatment, since the skin can burn more easily and can cause discoloration of the skin. It is best to discontinue tanning or using artificial tanning products for the treatment period.
  • Use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 in treated areas that are exposed to the sun.

In approximately 7 to 21 days the hair will begin to shed. This may appear as hair growth, but it is actually the hair expelling itself from the follicle. You can remove these hairs with a damp cloth or by shaving.